Thursday 28 July 2011

H-Alpha Solar Observations 28th July 2011

After two or three days without sun a nice group of sunspots has arrived in the suns northan hemisphere but Prominences were not very spectacular today

Whole disc showing surface detail/activity

Whole disc showing positions of prominences

Continuum image from SOHO website showing sunspot numbers

Sunspot region 1262 x3

Sunspots ( from left to right ) x3-unnumbered 1261 & 1260 plus some coloured ones for fun

Top right prominence x3

Lower right prominence x3

Lower left prominence x3

Top left prominence x3

Jupiter RGB Images 28th July 2011

Finally decided to have a go at Jupiter imaging using RGB and was quite pleased with the results.Only managed to do an hours imaging before the clouds rolled in but Io's shadow was in transit and the moon itself is also visable against the Jupiters disc in the first few images with Europa to the left.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

H-Alpha Solar Observations 24th July 2011

Whole Disc showing surface detail

Whole Disc showing positions of Prominences

Continuum image from SOHO wesite showing sunspot numbers

Upper Right section x3

Sunspot 1254 x3

Sunspot region 1259 x3

Small lower left activity x3

Mid left limb active region x3

Upper left filaments x3

Upper right Prominences x3 at 09.30 UT & 15.18 UT

Mid right Prominence x3 at 14.30 UT

Lower right Prominences x3 at 0938 UT & 14.32 UT

Lower left prominences x3 at 11.17 UT & 15.19 UT

Monday 25 July 2011

Daytime Imaging 25th July

The Moon at 06.36 UT today

Jupiter B&W at 07.00 UT

Same image but slightly lighter to show positions of Io & Europa

First Attempts at Daytime Imaging 24th July 2011

Yesterday I had a go at imaging the Moon & Jupiter in the daytime and was quite pleased with the results especially with Jupiter as two of its moons were also visible.

The Moon at 07.10 UT

Jupiter with ( from right to left ) Io & Europa at 07.56 UT

The Moon was a three pane mosaic using a DMK41 & 8 inch Skywatcher Newtonian and Jupiter was imaged with a DBK31 and a 3x barlow with the same telescope.

H-Alpha Solar Observations 25th July 2011

Lots of high thin cloud today which thickened leaving occasional gaps.Not much activity on the sun today.

Whole disc showing surface details

Whole disc showing positions of Prominences

Continuum image from SOHO website showing sunspot numbers

Sunspot region 1259 x3

Sunspot region 1254 x3

Mid Left Limb Active Region x3

Top Right Prominences x3 at 09.15 UT & 14.50 UT

Mid Right Prominence x3 at 09.15 UT & 14.50UT

Lower Right Prominences x3 at 09.15 UT & 14.40 UT

Saturday 23 July 2011

H-Alpha Solar Observations 23rd July 2011

Whole disc showing surface detail

Whole disc showing positions of Prominences

Contiuum image from SOHO website showing sunspot numbers

Sunspot 1259 x3

Sunspot 1251 x3

Sunspot 1254 x3

Left Mid Latitude Active Region

Upper Left Prominences at 09.30 UT & 11.30 UT

Upper Right Prominences at 09.30 UT & 11.30 UT

Lower Right Prominences at 09.30 UT , 10.30 UT & 11.30 UT