Monday 18 July 2011

1 Hour 15 Minuets Of Jupiters Rotation On 31st January 2001 Compressed To 2 Seconds

Having had no Sun for a few days of again I decided to have another go at making a video of Jupiters rotation from a series of images taken earlier this year.Previous attempts to do this with Registax had failed so I tried using avistack instead and having downloaded the appropiate extra dll's had some sucess but the centre of the image was blotted out by multicoloured bands for some reason.Just to make things worse my copy of avistack now no longer locks on to features for allignment properly and removing and reinstalling the program makes no difference, so it was back to registax again but this time with some sucess.I only managed to get a few frames alligned for the video but stretched the time to 2 seconds using Sony Vegas.

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